Thursday 28 February 2013

Robyn and Scott's Wedding

We have been in Puerto Vallarta since February 17, 2013 for Robyn and Scott's Wedding.  40 people arrived at the airport in Edmonton at 4 am on February 17 only to find out that the flight had been delayed by a couple of hours - this allowed us time to have breakfast (Caesar's) and rest up for the trip.

We arrived in PV about 3 pm.  As the bus brought us to Dreams Villmagna, there were 2 large posters of Robyn and Scott.

It total we had 73 people attend the wedding.  We had guests from Edmonton (of course), New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Louisiana, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and BC.  The wedding was on Thursday, February 21, 2013 so we had a few days to party and, oh boy, did some party!

On February 19, 2013, a group of 24 went on the Outdoor Adventure with Vallarta Adventures.  This involved taking a speedboat to Boca de Tomatlan, a unimog (jeep like truck) to the base camp, mules to the top of the mountain and zip lining, rappeling and waterslides down the mountain. What a great day!

The wedding day was perfect.

The guests arrived around 5:30 and were escorted to the private beach for the ceremony.  I was a mess bringing Robyn down the aisle with Jan (but in a happy way).  One of the highlights was that a parrot flew the rings down to the Minister. The ceremony was short and we then visited until dinner about 7pm. The food was amazing.  The speeches came after dinner and then they played the videos that I made.  Dancing, fire dancers and sky lanterns took up the rest of the evening until it was time to leave about 11:30.

What an amazing day!  It could not have been any better.

We have spent the rest of our time here just relaxing and seeing the various guests as they depart.  Robyn, Scott, Barb, JP, us, Jodi, Rob, Patsy, Garret and Austin are staying for 2 weeks.

On Tuesday, February 26, 2013, we went to look at the progress of our new timeshare and were very impressed.  We then went to Sayulita to have lunch at Playa Escondida and visit with Jorge and Juan - our old friends from last month.  Clinton was still there too.

On Wednesday, Jodi, Rob and Patsy had us all over to the penthouse condo for an authentic mexican meal for which they brought in a local chef.  It was great ... and we saw whales from the balcony.

That's it for now.