Saturday 27 June 2015

Grand Rapids, Michigan - June 25, 26 and 27, 2015

Jan, Robyn and myself left for Grand Rapids in the afternoon on June 25, 2015 and arrived just before midnight at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel - a grand old dame like the Hotel MacDonald in Edmonton.

We had Friday to relax.  Jan and I spent the morning at Starbucks reading and doing a little work and Robyn slept.  We (Jan, Robyn, Lynn and myself) went for lunch at San Chez - our favourite restaurant in Grand Rapids.  I had a delicious Reuben soup.  Yup.  A Reuben sandwich in soup form - sauerkraut, corn beef and a delicious broth.  Back to the hotel for a nap and then Robyn and I were off to a cocktail reception for the Platinum Mastermind group that we belong to - this is a group of very talented and successful retailers from around North America who meet 3 times a year to discuss issues and opportunities.  It was great to see everyone again and we were able to greet our newest member Cathy.  After a few beer (Grand Rapids is the beer capital of the US) and some appetizers, we dropped in to bed.

Our Mastermind sessions started on Saturday.  We spent the entire day learning, giving advice, taking advice and laughing.  Great day.  Some of us went to a mexican restaurant for lunch.  We are off to the Grand Rapids Brewing Company for dinner with everyone.  Ciao for now.