Monday 4 July 2016

La Penita - June 17 - July 2, 2016

On Friday, we got up to go for a walk.  The river was running high so we decided not to cross over to Guayabitos.  We decided to walk through town and explore a little.  We were stopped by Sergio at his coffee shop and he convinced us to stop for breakfast.  His English was pretty good and was definitely a salesman.  Breakfast, cleaning products, tours, a special juice that is very healthy.  I tried the healthy juice - it looked like dishwater - it did not taste like dishwater but was not very good - at least it was healthy! Supposedly.  Jan did a lot of laundry - the humid hot weather requires doing laundry more often.

On Saturday, we stayed at home and relaxed.  I stayed out of the sun as I got a bit sunburned.

On Sunday (Father's Day), Jan made a great breakfast, we relaxed, swam, read a book, went to the beach and had dinner at Irma's - garlic shrimp and coconut fish.  We had our best sleep of the trip on Sunday night.  Did I mention that we now own 4 fans (on top of the 3 ceiling fans)?  A necessity at this time of year with no air conditioning - AC is not necessary in the winter months because of the great breezes.

Monday started out really slow.  Read, eat, swim, sit in the sun, sit inside.  Yup.

Tuesday.  Ditto.

Wednesday.  Busy day - walked to Muro (a hardware store) for some silicone for a window.  That's it.  Nope sorry - we walked back.  We also stopped at Torta Carnitas (Ubaldo's cousin).  They make pork in a big vat out on the street.  We had a taco, sandwich and a fresca - $3.  That was it for today.

Thursday.  BIG DAY.  Tiangus (market) day.  The cleaning lady was coming today, so we left to wander the market.  We bought a spout for the water dispenser, some delicious coconut water (actual coconut water), gorditas (a delicious slightly sweet pancake), carrot (zanahorias) cake and radishes.  We stopped to buy some candied pecans and gummies and found out they wanted $50 - WHAT? Must have seen some gringos coming! We ended up with a large bag of gummies for $8.  I stopped for a haircut - $3.  One of the best haircuts ever.  I also got her give me a shave.  We bought some gelatinas mosaica - multi-coloured jello in a pudding for Ubaldo and Graciela.  Don't remember the rest of the day - I actually don't remember what we did the rest of the day.

Friday.  Eat, Read, Swim ("ERS").  Had special papas fritas (french fries) at Hamberguesas Villareal - very crispy.

Saturday.  ERS.  Went to Irma's for a great meal again.

Sunday.  ERS.  We bought some fish and grilled it with lime and seasoning on the baby Weber.   Walked downtown for some ice cream.

Monday.  ERS.  Up to 17 laps of the pool (started at 8).  Bought some camaron (shrimp), but we will have those another day.  Had pancakes and cantaloupe for dinner - because we can.

Tuesday - Saturday.  ERS.  UP to 20 laps in the pool.  It took us a while to pack up - even though we are not taking much home, the pack up to test what works and what doesn't took quite a while.

We got home late Saturday night.

Here are a few pictures:

The Estuary - with the fish store beached in the background

Palapa Bar

Some of our art (we bought fully furnished including some great art)

Iguana at the top

Living Area


From the front patio doors looking in


Laundry room

Sunset on our first night at our new place in La Penita

Shopping for the new place - no room left in the SUV so Jan's lap was needed!


We got a baby Weber

Eating at Hamberguesas Villareal (on the street - literally)