Friday 30 December 2016

La Penita, Mexico - December 27-29, 2016 - We have arrived at our Winter Home

We left Edmonton on December 27, 2016 at 10:45 in the morning with Scarlett, Robyn and Scott.  We are here for 6 weeks with the kids staying for 3 weeks.  Scarlett was amazing on her first flight at 3 months old.  Robyn made up goodie bags with some treats, ear plugs and a note for those sitting around us saying this was her first flight and she might be happy or she might be scared - everyone thought it was a great idea.  Kathy, Trent and their kids were on our same flight.  We arrived in Puerto Vallarta at about 5 pm and went through customs uneventfully.  Viviana was there to pick us up - we stuffed her van pretty full and we still had a stop at Mega to do some grocery shopping.  We cut back on our list and were on our way soon.  We arrived at around 7 pm (La Penita is about an hour north of Puerto Vallarta).  We unloaded the van and went to Avanti for dinner.  Pasta and shrimp all around - excellent and only 2 blocks away.

Scarlett (otherwise known as Bubs) had a great sleep as did the kids - they slept in until about 10 am and Jan and I had Bubs out in the Palapa for about 3 hours.  We ventured to Chasite for coffee and BLT's.  Scott and I then went to Occidental Cafe de La Penita to buy some locally grown and processed coffee - it is delicious.  On the way back we stopped at Hinde's for $1 tacos and the best Margaritas in the world.  The kids went back to the condo and Jan and I did a little more grocery shopping.  The rest of the afternoon was spent at the pool with Scarlett having her first swim ever. She loved it.  We went for dinner at Irma's - Scott and I had the Shrimp stuffed Chile Relleno (one of my favourite meals in Mexico) and Robyn and jan had the garlic shrimp.  Irma's is the best authentic Mexican restaurant in my opinion.  Everyone watched a movie but I fell asleep - big surprise.  I have been sleeping a chair for the last week or so because I bruised my ribs playing hockey and can't lay down - it is interesting to say the least but my ribs are getting better.

We got up, had some breakfast and then wandered over to the Tiangus (market) which is huge and happens every Thursday.  You can buy everything - used clothing, new clothing, appliance parts, food, dads, mexican souvenirs, etc.  we spent about 2 hours in the market and then went to Hinde's for ... tacos and Margaritas.  We spent the afternoon at the condo relaxing and swimming.  Bubs had a rough evening so Scott and I went to Gigio's and picked up some pizzas for dinner.  Scarlett had a great sleep though and now it is Friday morning.  Adios.