Thursday 23 February 2017

Vancouver - February 20-22, 2017

I went to Vancouver to attend my first Strategic Coach session to strategize about what’s most pressing in our business right now and gain new insights from people in other industries and other parts of the world.  It was a great day and I came away with some great tools to move forward.  
Looking forward to the next session in June.

Friday 10 February 2017

La Penita - January 27 - February 7, 2017

The last part of our trip was spent doing some shopping, relaxing and eating.

We went to a couple of tile stores in La Penita to pick out new tile for our bathroom and kitchen.  The bathroom reno with include replacing the tile in the shower (walls and floor), the bathroom floor and the counter.  Also new toilet, sink and taps.  The kitchen reno replaces the tile on the counters and backsplash with new sink and taps as well as tile under the kitchen cupboards.  Total cost $2000 (about $600 in labour).

Roger and Gail took us into Puerto Vallarta with them and we shopped at Costco, Walmart, Liverpool (a department store) and home depot.  On the way back, we stopped in La Cruz at our favourite restaurant Masala and had tuna steak.  Mmmmmmmmm.

We went to Chacala one day and visited with Todd and Nadine again.  What a great little place!

We had some dinners with Roger and Gail at Irma's and Vista Guayabitos (also with Randy and Theresa).  We ate again at Gigio's.

Helma and Gaylord and May and John both had us over for dinner to their condos on separate nights. It was great getting to know them.

The last couple of days were spent getting the condo ready for the reno (it will happen while we are gone over the summer) and getting the condo ready for not being there.  Things we are learning:

1. You need to place Easy Dry packets everywhere.  These are moisture absorbers which are necessary because of the high humidity in the summer.

2. You need to unplug everything because of power surges during the rainy season and remove batteries from everything as they will corrode.

Our house cleaner, Claudia, still comes every 2 weeks and cleans while we are away and to check on things.

We arrived back home to -27. Oh well, it is supposed to be +2 by the weekend.