Monday 17 July 2017

Puerto Vallarta - June 24 to July 8, 2017

Jan, Randi, Robyn, Scarlett and I left for PV on Saturday June 24.  We have some time shares and needed to burn up some time that was banked so we stayed in PV for 1 week and in Nuevo Vallarta for one week.  

Our first week with Scarlett had us sticking around the hotel (Villa Del Palmar) for most of the week. We did venture downtown one day and walked around and did a little shopping.  We did stock up on groceries at Costco and ate most of our lunches and breakfasts in.

Robyn left for home on Friday June 30 - the first time travelling alone with Scarlett - they both did great.

We rented a car on Saturday to take us from PV to Nuevo and pick up Kate and Delores from the airport.  On Sunday, we drove around the peninsula to Punta de Mita, Sayulita (where we stopped for some shopping and lunch) and San Francisco (aka San Pancho).  On Monday, we drove up to La Penita to show Randi, Kate and Delores our place.  We were little disappointed that the tile work had not been completed yet.  I had to do a little running around to exchange some tile.  We spend the afternoon in the pool there and had a good visit with Ubaldo and Chella.  We had some lunch/dinner at Irma's and back to the hotel.

On Tuesday, we went to La Cruz for dinner and not much was open.  We ended up at Langostina Diez  (had never tried it before).  Jan, Randi and Kate ended up sick.  We spent the rest of our time around the hotel and had a spa day - they have the best spa we have ever been to.

Flew home on July 8.  

Vancouver June 21-22, 2017

I flew out to Vancouver to attend my second Strategic Coach session - helping us grow our business.  I stayed at an apartment which my friend Q organized for me in Coquitlam.  He picked me up at the airport and we went for dinner and beer at Port Moody Brewery Row - had an over the top cheesy grilled cheese sandwich from Cheesus Crust and a few flights of beer.

I took the train from Coquitlam and arrive downtown in 20 minutes.

The session was great and took the train to the airport - $4 instead of a $60 cab ride.