Wednesday 9 January 2013

Another Great Day

We had another great day today.  Beached it most of the day.  In the late afternoon, we walked south along the beach as far was we could go - this is a great isolated wide beach with black sand portions - kinda reminded us of the movies.  We then swam in the ocean (Jan's first attempt at this during this trip), swam in the pool and the hot tub.  We had a great dinner at the restaurant and Jan gave a bunch of clothes to Tomas, one of our waiters, who is involved with a church group who will give these clothes to those much in need.  Tomas also told us about his 107 year old grandmother who is the "Queen" of the State of Jalisco because she is the oldest person here. She has 2 people close on her heels at 102 and 105 years old.  Tomas has asked if we want to go meet and visit with her.   After dinner, we met Clinton and Mary at the bar for Mary's birthday.  Adios,

On the Beach near Sayulita

Jan's Footprint in the Black Sand Beach

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