Friday 2 August 2013

Alonissos, Greece July 29 - Aug 1, 2013

July 29, 2013 - Sat around the pool.  Had a sandwich, greek salad and beer at the pool bar.  Sat around the pool some more.  Went for dinner to town.  Had a drink with Bessie and Kosta.  Went to Bed.

July 30, 2013 - We rented a car and drove around the island.  We first drove to Agios Dimitrios beach.  Beautiful - the water is crystal clear amazing.  We then drove to Leftos Gialos beach and had some lunch and swam a little bit - saw a jelly fish and we decided to move on.  We then drove to Tsoukalia beach which had very few people but the water was a bit dirty so we drove all the way back to Agios Dimitrios and relaxed for a while.  We then drove to the Old Town in the hills and explored for awhile - what a view!  Went for dinner at Ostria Restaurant (Kosta's sister's place) and then back to the hotel for a drink with Bessie and Kosta - turned into several drinks and 4 am.  These Greeks ...

Crystal Clear Water

Agios Dimitrios Beach

Leftos Gialos Beach

Old Town

Old Town View

July 31, 2013 - Sat around the pool.  Had a sandwich, greek salad and beer at the pool bar.  Sat around the pool some more.  Went for a swim in the ocean.  Went for dinner to town.  Had a drink with Bessie and Kosta.  Went to Bed relatively early - midnight.  Big day tomorrow ...

August 1, 2013 - We went scuba diving today.  Jan and I took a Discovery Dive which gives you a basic lesson and then a dive.  So proud of Jan for doing the dive - yesterday she put her ears in the water for the first time in a long time - today scuba diving.  It was fantastic!  We dove to a depth of 6.6 metres.  The other 2 participants bailed - one at the beginning and the other about 1/2 way through.  Vaggeli was our instructor and he was OUTSTANDING.  Had lunch in town - lamb chops and fried feta cheese.  Back to our hotel for a nap and woke up at 9:30 pm.  Still full from lunch so we just went to the pool bar for a drink or 2.  To bed at 12:30.

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