Monday 17 February 2014

PV - February 14, 15, 16 and 17, 2014

Valentine's Day was quiet around the pool.  Robyn and Scott went to Mega to pick up groceries again. We went to Glorieta de Enrique for a Shrimp Feast for dinner - fantastic again!  

Saturday was also a quiet day around the pool.  Dinner at Tacos on the Street.  The five of us polished away 30 tacos, 8 beers, 1 glass of wine and 2 bottles of water.  So full, but so delicious! … and Kate and Miranda arrived at 8:30 pm.  Jan was so happy to have her whole family here.

Sunday morning we took the girls to the La Cruz Farmers Market.  They loved it.  We got to visit with Max and Big Momma from Eva's Brickhouse Restaurant and Scotty and I had another Mixed Sandwich with ham, turkey, bratwurst and chorizo sausage on it.  No sharing this time - we each had our own.  Back to the resort for the afternoon at the pool.  Dinner was at Masala - the top rated restaurant on Trip Advisor for La Cruz.  Scotty, Robyn and I had the seared tuna steak, Kate and Randi had the catch of the day (mahi mahi) and Jan and Delores had the mahi mahi.  Another excellent meal - we have not had a bad meal here yet.  

Today (Feb 17) we had a big breakfast at home and then ventured to the Marina in La Cruz for our day  on the bay.  We booked ourselves onto the Indian Summer Yacht (Red Dolphin Cruises) for the day.  We were met at Dock 3 by Mike, Michelle and Johnny.  The price was $75 per person which is less than Vallarta Adventures and we were the only ones on the yacht.  We saw so many whales (15 - 20) and dolphins were swimming along with the boat.  We went to Marietas Islands and went snorkeling.  The day included free drinks, nachos and a mahi mahi lunch.  Mike (from Wales) was a great host and had many great stories.  It felt like we had known them for a long time.  We got back around 4 pm and ant back to the resort for a dip in the pool and then got ready for dinner. We went to Frascetti and had great home made italian pasta meals (we went here so Nana could get some Canadian food).  In bed by 9 pm.  So crazy.

Tacos on the Street


Whale Watching I

Whale Watching II - so many whales

On the Indian Summer





Robyn and Nana

Thursday 13 February 2014

Puerto Vallarta - Feb 12 and 13, 2014 (Cow's Head Tacos - read to the end)

Wednesday was a lazy day by the pool.  We had dinner at Xocolati - Roberto, the owner, served us.  This place its on the hill above La Cruz and has an amazing view of the bay.  We even saw a whale jumping.  Fajitas, Shrimp, Chimichanga (massive) and Red Snapper - enough said.  Sleeping by 8:30 pm.

Thursday started out slow with a leisurely breakfast of bacon, eggs, sausage and toast.  We went to the pool for a few hours where we managed to down some mojitos and dirty monkeys.  Then the adventure began - we took the shuttle into La Cruz where Elilal dropped us at the Beach Club for our resort (our resort is actually in the hills above La Cruz).  The Beach Club is under contraction and currently closed.  We walked along the beach to the north to Manzanilla Beach. This is a great swimming area and beach.  It was HOT so we stopped at Cesars for Cervesas and Pina Coladas and some nachos and quesadillas.  We then walked back along the beach into town.  It was HOT so we stopped at Ana Bananas and had Cervesas and Coke and visited with Barry, the owner, and CeeCee, the bar pooch.  We then walked through the small town a bit more and bought a small painting.  It was HOT so we stopped for an ice cream.  Our plan was to go to Tacos on the Street (apparently the best tacos around) but when we arrived at 5 pm, we discovered they did not open until 5:30 pm.  We decided to walk a few blocks to Glorieta de Enrique (remember the shrimp place from a few blogs ago) and have some cervesas and a plate of bacon wrapped shrimp as an appetizer before heading back to Tacos on the Street.  Delicious.  We then walked back to Tacos on the Street where they serve one type of taco - rib eye steak tacos.  They do give you a choice of flour or corn tortillas though.  We had tacos (and Robyn had one quesadilla), mojitos (not great) and cervesas.  The tacos were 150 pesos (about $1.20).  No question the best tacos we have ever had!  We even bought some for the concierge back at our resort.

As we were driving home, I mentioned to Scott that we should try the taco stand on the Highway called Taco de Cabeza.  The taxi driver laughed and told us this translated to Head Tacos and literally means tacos made with various parts of a cow's head - eyes, lips, tongue … we told him that we would think about it - maybe after a lot of tequila.

Monday 10 February 2014

PV - February 10, 2014

We had a great day today.  Woke up late (for me) at 8 am.  Made coffee and emptied the dishwasher (sounds pretty domestic doesn't it?).  Scotty made omelets with sausage, peppers and mushrooms for breakfast and then off to the pool.  There were only 2 other people at the pool at 10 am - so nice.  Hector, the pool concierge, put out our towels and welcomed us to the pool area.  We relaxed most of the day at the pool.  We had massages at the spa too.  What a decadent day, but the best part was still coming - DINNER.  We decided to go to Glorietta Enrique Restaurant in La Cruz - rumour had it that the shrimp and margaritas were amazing.  Scott and I ordered the margaritas - excellent - and Jan and Robyn ordered pina coladas - Pancho brought out the drinks and then brought out a bottle of rum and poured 2 big shots of rum for the girls just in case their pina coladas were not strong enough.  Only in Mexico.  We ordered shrimp, shrimp, shrimp and shrimp (Jan and Delores shared) - bacon wrapped shrimp (unbelievable), coconut shrimp (excellent), diabla shrimp (in a spicy bbq sauce - fabulous) and shrimp stuffed avocado (very refreshing).  We finished off the evening with tequila shots for the boys and kahlua and cream shots for the girls.  We met a couple from Red Deer at the table next to us and they happen to be staying at the same place.  They was a small band playing as well.  The quality of the meal tonight rivaled last night's at Eva's Brickhouse.  2 nights in La Cruz - 2 great meals.  Woo hoooo.
Robyn's Pina Colada with the extra shot of rum

Robyn's Coconut Shrimp and Scotty's Bacon Wrapped Shrimp

Sunday 9 February 2014

Puerto Vallarta - February 9, 2014

We arrived last night in Puerto Vallarta around 9 pm - our flight was delayed 1 hour in Edmonton because the water system was frozen.  Our destination was Puerto Bahia in the hills above the small fishing village of La Cruz de Huanacaxtle (La Cruz for short) which is north of Puerto Vallarta (about 30 minutes from the airport).

We got up around 8 am, sauntered to the restaurant for breakfast and then took a shuttle into La Cruz for the Sunday Farmers Market.  The market was really fun with over 280 vendors selling everything from bread to nanaimo bars to scones to garlic cajun smoked mahi mahi to earrings to mixed meat sandwiches to sausages - and that was only the stuff we bought.  It was a great market and we will go back next Sunday when Kate and Randi are here.  We then went grocery shopping (we have a full kitchen) to Mega (a Walmart type grocery store) where we bought 3 carts of groceries for $300.  Had to  take 2 cabs home because of all of the groceries and the 5 of us.

We arrived back at our place and Scott promptly started the drink making marathon - mojitos, rum punch, pina coladas, micheladas, cervesas … we spent the entire afternoon at our place (we have our own small pool).  We then went to dinner at Eva's Brickhouse in La Cruz.  It was fantastic - we had grilled mahi mahi, seared ahi tuna and lobster pasta.  WOW!!!  Kent, the owner, Max, the maitre d (and resident dog) and Big Momma, the waitress (and resident cat) were so friendly and made our evening.  This is now our favourite restaurant in the PV area.  We had one of the those meals where you savour every bite.  Looking forward to a good night's sleep and a lazy day tomorrow.

Our Pool at Puerto Bahia


Puerto Bahia Pool

La Cruz Marina

Scotty's Mojitos

Eva's Brickhouse

3 Generations at Eva's Brickhouse