Monday 10 February 2014

PV - February 10, 2014

We had a great day today.  Woke up late (for me) at 8 am.  Made coffee and emptied the dishwasher (sounds pretty domestic doesn't it?).  Scotty made omelets with sausage, peppers and mushrooms for breakfast and then off to the pool.  There were only 2 other people at the pool at 10 am - so nice.  Hector, the pool concierge, put out our towels and welcomed us to the pool area.  We relaxed most of the day at the pool.  We had massages at the spa too.  What a decadent day, but the best part was still coming - DINNER.  We decided to go to Glorietta Enrique Restaurant in La Cruz - rumour had it that the shrimp and margaritas were amazing.  Scott and I ordered the margaritas - excellent - and Jan and Robyn ordered pina coladas - Pancho brought out the drinks and then brought out a bottle of rum and poured 2 big shots of rum for the girls just in case their pina coladas were not strong enough.  Only in Mexico.  We ordered shrimp, shrimp, shrimp and shrimp (Jan and Delores shared) - bacon wrapped shrimp (unbelievable), coconut shrimp (excellent), diabla shrimp (in a spicy bbq sauce - fabulous) and shrimp stuffed avocado (very refreshing).  We finished off the evening with tequila shots for the boys and kahlua and cream shots for the girls.  We met a couple from Red Deer at the table next to us and they happen to be staying at the same place.  They was a small band playing as well.  The quality of the meal tonight rivaled last night's at Eva's Brickhouse.  2 nights in La Cruz - 2 great meals.  Woo hoooo.
Robyn's Pina Colada with the extra shot of rum

Robyn's Coconut Shrimp and Scotty's Bacon Wrapped Shrimp

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