Tuesday 5 August 2014

NYC - August 4, 2014

We went for breakfast at The Landmark - a down and dirty NYC style diner with breakfast for $5 - it was great.  We then walked to the Dominique Ansell bakery for a cronut (a combination croissant/donut) only to find out that you need to line up at 7 am for the bakery opening at 8 am to get one.  Kate is determined to have a cronut so we will do this one day.  We then walked downtown to the new World Trade Center building and the memorial.  It is pretty amazing.  They have constructed 2 deep waterfalls/pools on the sites of the original 2 buildings.  We had some lunch and beer at Battery Park before waiting in the sweltering heat for about 1.5 hours to get the ferry to the Statute of Liberty.  It was pretty cool even in the heat.  On our return, we walked to Fraunces Tavern for a beer and some snacks - George Washington actually sat at the bar in this tavern.  We walked to the South Street Seaport and listened to a band for a while and then walked back the 30 or so blocks to our hotel.  Quite the day of walking.  We had a shower and a nap and then headed to Chinatown for dinner.  We ate at 456 Shanghai and it was delicious - we would go back.  

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