Friday 9 January 2015

La Penita - January 8, 2015

Starting to get used to the early morning coffee by the pool visiting with Mike and Colleen from the Ottawa area.  The Tianguis Market was on today in La Penita.  It is a huge market being a combination of a flea market where you can buy new and used clothing, kitchen utensils and stove parts to traditional souvenir type items and hand made Mexican crafts.  We started out eating - surprise surprise - from the vendors in the market.  We had fresh made potato chips, fresh hand squeezed orange juice ($1 for a 20 ounce cup), my favourite Mexican dessert - Tres Leche cake (three milk cake which is a white cake soaked in evaporated milk - sounds delicious doesn't it?), a fresh bun and croissant.  We are now officially eaters of street food in Mexico - something that would not have happened only a few short years ago.  I bought a couple of tank tops and Jan bought a table runner, some napkins and an beautiful apron.  We donated some money to a local charity which Bob and Linda help organize to help  locals go to University (they have provided 17 scholarships so far).  We went for lunch at Cesar's and had grilled shrimp sautéed in garlic and butter.

We spent the afternoon by the pool.  Dinner was at Rincon del Arabe (LOL not at Hinde y Jaime's) with the Judy, Phil, Lynn, George and Georgina (the crew from Mackenzie BC).  Jan had curry shrimp and I had hawaiian shrimp stir fry - both very good.  3 of us ordered Pina Coladas and a rum punch like drink showed up - the owner Hitham decided we should try this concoction instead.  It was great.  Hitham bought us a round of drinks at the end of the night.  We went for a walk downtown and arrive back around 10.

A Mañana (until tomorrow).

Tianguis Market

Tianguis Market

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