Tuesday 14 June 2016

La Penita - June 11-13, 2016

We arrived into Puerto Vallarta at 4 pm on Saturday with 4 large suitcases, 2 carry ons, a laptop bag and a huge purse - it's like we are moving here!  Oh wait, we are!  We are buying a condo here in beautiful La Penita.  We had to come down to sign the papers to close the deal.

We arranged a ride with Sarah who picked us (and all of our luggage) up at the airport.  We stopped at the vet to pick up her dog who got into an altercation with another dog (she helps and fosters many dogs from JEEP Rescue here in La Penita).  We then stopped at Mega to pick up some groceries.  Sarah was a wealth of information on our 1 hour ride to La Penita.

We arrived at our condo - Paraiso del Mar (Paradise of the Sea) to be greeted by Jeanie, our real estate agent.  She let us in and we got settled a bit and then walked downtown to eat at Irma's - chile relleno, garlic shrimp, a beer and a coke (all for $15).  We walked back in the dark and then dropped into bed.  Unpacking can with until maƱana (tomorrow).  There are 19 units in our condo complex but we are the only ones here at this time of year.  I will post some pictures in a later post.

We were up early on Sunday, had some coffee and toast and then unpacked.  The condo came fully furnished with some great artwork.  We made a list of some of things we still need here.  We headed downtown to buy a few things including a fan - a fan is a must at this time of year.  During the winter, there are great breezes with the windows open that air conditioning is not needed.  This time of year, air conditioning would be nice, but fans work just as well.  Very hot and humid.  Had some lunch downtown.  We relaxed for the rest of the afternoon and evening - went into the pool a couple of times.  Watched Sons of Anarchy - we started watching while in Europe 3 years ago  and have one season left.

We were up early on Monday.  Jeanie picked us up at 7 am to go into Puerto Vallarta to get an RFS (whatever that is) which we need to buy property in Mexico. Puerto Vallarta is in a different time zone - one hour later.  We arrived to find out that it was a 1-2 hour wait (typical in Mexico) but they put our name on a list and we were able to leave and go to Costco.  We bought ALOT of stuff at Costco almost filling up Jeanie's SUV.  Back to the SAT office where the process was relatively smooth (but I suspect would not have been without Jeanie).  We then stopped at Sam's Club (bought some stuff), Walmart (bought some stuff), El Tio Sam's (bought a BBQ), Home Depot (bought some stuff) and back to El Tio Sam's (for a BBQ hose which we could not get at Home Depot) - and we fit it all into the SUV - Jan rode all the way home buried under stuff.  We stopped for lunch in Puerto Vallarta and then home.  We stopped in Bucerias at Telmex to get internet hooked up, but it was closed.  On our arrival home, we unpacked the SUV and then walked downtown for dinner - we had tacos, enchiladas and tostadas (they were average) but all of that cost us $5.  Tried to watch Sons of Anarchy but fell asleep.  Hasta luego (see you soon) ...

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