Friday 27 January 2017

La Penita - January 4 - 26, 2017

We have been doing a whole lot of nothing.  Scott left on January 3 to go back to work and then flew back on January 11 after his shift.  We had the best time with Scarlett, Robyn and Scott.  A lot of firsts for Scarlett.  They left on January 17 and it took a few days to adjust to Scarlett not being here (and Robyn and Scott).  We have been eating in a lot since they left.

We met up with Todd and Nadine on January 19.  I grew up with Todd and we all went to high school together.  We spent the day together - walked through the market, had a margarita, had breakfast, relaxed in the palapa and went to dinner.  They are staying in Los Ayala (the spent the first week in Lo De Marcos, their 2nd week in Los Ayala and are spending their last week in Chacala.  It was great to catch up.  We met up again on Saturday, January 21, and walked and drank our way along Guayabitos beach after breakfast at Chasite.  It only took us about 7 hours (needless to say there was a lot more drinking than walking).  Had dinner both nights at Tonita IV in La Penita - pecan crusted fish stuffed with cream cheese and avocado - delicious!

Some street food adventures:  fresh cut potato chips with salt and lime, fresh churros, doritos (they cut the bag open) with corn, mayo, cheese and chili flakes,  and steamed bananas and sweet potatoes with evaporated milk drizzled over.

We had dinner at Tonita I with Gail, Roger and Jeanie.  A lot of laughs.

Other than that, mostly nothing except relaxing.  Here are a few pictures:

Sleeping in Papa's Arms

Fresh cut potato chips with salt and lime

Dancing with Nana

First time toes in the sand

Cuddly Girl

Having fun swimming

Guayabitos Beach
First time toes in the ocean

Wednesday 4 January 2017

La Penita - December 30 - January 3, 2016

We had a very quiet day on Friday.  I am usually up between 6 and 6:30 and take my coffee to the Palapa and look out at the ocean.  I do my spanish lessons, meditate and write in my gratitude journal.  By the second cup of coffee, someone is usually up.  We had a big breakfast of eggs, chorizo and toast (fresh jalapeƱo bread we bought at the market).  We spent the rest of the day at the pool.  I read half a spy novel (Order to Kill - A Mitch Rapp story) and listened to tunes.  I tried swimming but the ribs are still too sore.  We had some left over pizza and guacamole for lunch and then more pool time.  Dinner at Avanti's and then Jan and I brought Bubs home while Robyn and Scott walked into two for ice cream.  We (ha ha - they) watched a movie.  As I said, quiet day - Perfect!

Saturday - Quiet morning.  Scott and I went to Hinde's at 1:30 to watch the Canada/US World Juniors Hockey game.  They actually closed at 2 pm to get ready for New Year's but let us stay to watch the game.  The fruit and vegetable truck came in the afternoon and we bought carrots, oranges, bananas, radishes, cucumbers, cantaloupe, apples (I am sure I am missing something) for a grand total of $8.  New Year's Eve was a blast - ate mac and cheese and chorizo in our condo and watched a movie (well the others did) - I was sleeping by 8:30.  It is tough doing nothing all day.

Sunday - Scott woke up not feeling well and then was really not well.  I walked into town and got some Treda (a Mexican miracle medication for the trots) and some electrolyte juices for Scott.  I made fresh squeezed orange juice. Delicious.  We had another quiet day.

Monday - Scott was feeling better.  Robyn, Scott and I walked into town to get some plumbing parts and some ice cream.  We spent the afternoon at the pool.  Scott and Robyn went for dinner to Avanti's on a date night and brought us back some pizza.  Jan and I watched Scarlett.  They both had the stuffed chicken which is amazing.

Tuesday - Scott left this morning to go back home - he has to work, but will be back next week.  Robyn, Jan, Scarlett and I went for breakfast at Irma's.  I finally got some Huevos Rancheros and fresh orange juice.  Bubs slept the whole time.  We had ice cream.  We came back and had a siesta - all of us!  We went for dinner to Hamberquesas Villareal (Ubaldo's daughter in law) for a shrimp burrito and crispy fries.  Our internet is finally working - I have a Sling Box at home which transfers our home TV signal to anywhere we have internet - literally we can watch whatever we want from home including things on the PVR.  We were able to watch the Batchelor last night!

First Swim

At Irma's

In the Square

Sitting in Papa's Bed - Bruised ribs from hockey has me sleeping in a chair

Sleeping on Papa's lap

Good Morning!

Siesta Time

Cooling down with a wet face cloth

Street Eats!

First Ice Cream

First Coke