Friday 27 January 2017

La Penita - January 4 - 26, 2017

We have been doing a whole lot of nothing.  Scott left on January 3 to go back to work and then flew back on January 11 after his shift.  We had the best time with Scarlett, Robyn and Scott.  A lot of firsts for Scarlett.  They left on January 17 and it took a few days to adjust to Scarlett not being here (and Robyn and Scott).  We have been eating in a lot since they left.

We met up with Todd and Nadine on January 19.  I grew up with Todd and we all went to high school together.  We spent the day together - walked through the market, had a margarita, had breakfast, relaxed in the palapa and went to dinner.  They are staying in Los Ayala (the spent the first week in Lo De Marcos, their 2nd week in Los Ayala and are spending their last week in Chacala.  It was great to catch up.  We met up again on Saturday, January 21, and walked and drank our way along Guayabitos beach after breakfast at Chasite.  It only took us about 7 hours (needless to say there was a lot more drinking than walking).  Had dinner both nights at Tonita IV in La Penita - pecan crusted fish stuffed with cream cheese and avocado - delicious!

Some street food adventures:  fresh cut potato chips with salt and lime, fresh churros, doritos (they cut the bag open) with corn, mayo, cheese and chili flakes,  and steamed bananas and sweet potatoes with evaporated milk drizzled over.

We had dinner at Tonita I with Gail, Roger and Jeanie.  A lot of laughs.

Other than that, mostly nothing except relaxing.  Here are a few pictures:

Sleeping in Papa's Arms

Fresh cut potato chips with salt and lime

Dancing with Nana

First time toes in the sand

Cuddly Girl

Having fun swimming

Guayabitos Beach
First time toes in the ocean

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