Monday 1 July 2013

Cruise - Venice, Croatia, Turkey and Greece - June 22-29, 2013

June 22, 2013 – We got up around 8 am and had breakfast at our hotel.  We then strapped on our packs and headed out to the Cruise Ship terminal.  We had to take Vaporetto 4.1 (their water buses) to Piazzaletta Roma (cost 14 Euros for about a 10 minute ride) and the People Mover (yup that’s what it is called) from there to the Cruise Ship terminal (cost 2 Euros).  After checking in, we were on the ship by 12:30 and sitting by the pool.  We had a buffet lunch in the Windjammer Café and then went to our room which was ready after 1 pm.  We spent the afternoon by the pool and went for dinner at the King and I Dining room at 6:30 pm – we were seated with Fiona Greenwood, Leslie and Derek from England, Tess and Joe from California and Charlene and Bob Miller from Edmonton – and lo and behold – I used to work with Charlene at Fraser Milner Casgrain for about 4 years until I left there about 8 years ago – what a small small world!

June 23, 2013 – Early breakfast at the King and I and then off on our first excursion to Split, Croatia.  We took a tender into the port and then did a walking tour.  It was very informative.  We saw the Roman Palace built by Emperor Diocletion in the 4th century.  It started as a royal residence and fortified camp, but is now a maze of narrow cobblestone streets where pre-Romanesque churches live alongside Gothic chapels, museums, art galleries and restaurants.  We visited the substructure which gives a very good idea of how the palace was originally organized.  It is also interesting that Diocletion ruled the Roman Empire from here (Croatia).  We visited the Cathedral of St. Duje which was originally built by the Emperor as his mausoleum but was converted to a church much later.  We spent the morning on the tour and then wandering around Split. We went back to the ship in the afternoon and enjoyed the pool, the pool games (watching them, particularly the South Africans dancing – there is a group of 200 South Africans on the cruise).  We chatted with a couple (Norry and Eleanor) from Scotland.  We had dinner at Chops Grill – a specialty restaurant specializing in steak because in the main dining room it was formal night and we didn’t pack my tux or Jan’s ballgown in our backpacks.  Food was excellent.  We then went to see at show at 9 pm – the Emperors of Soul – a Motown cover band – they were great.  We stopped in the Casino where Jan won a chance to be in a slot tournament which she was too scared to enter, so I entered on her behalf.  Never been in a slot tournament before but it consists of hit the spin button continually for 3 minutes and the person with the most credits wins (not much skill required).  I didn’t win.  Off to bed to hopefully sleep in as we are at sea tomorrow.  Ciao …

Waterfront at Split, Croatia

Typical Split Neighbourhood inside the Palace

Cathedral of St. Duje - Split

June 24, 2013 – we woke up at 10:30.  What?  I gotta get me one of these cruise ships so I can sleep in.  Breakfast is only until 11 am.  We rushed up for breakfast and then spent the day at the pool. It was HOT.  We enjoyed the activity and people watching.  Lazy day.  Went back to the room at 5 pm for a nap and then off to dinner at 8 pm in the King and I dining room – we sat by ourselves.  Show at 9:15 – Ballroom Fever – not great.  We stopped in the casino; I played blackjack and lost.  Jan played the slots – Jackpot Party and Kitty Glitter and won another chance to play in a slot tournament.  She played this time and won 1st prize – a t-shirt, a free tour, key chain, bottle of champagne (about a $200 value) and some discounts on spa services and art.  That’s it for today.  Tomorrow we will be in Kusadesi, Turkey and visit the ancient city of Ephesus.  Can’t wait.

June 25, 2013 – We woke up in Kusadasi, Turkey to 38C.  Had breakfast and then off on our tour to Ephesus.  Ephesus was amazing!  It is one of the best preserved ruins from 3400 years ago in the world.  You actually get to wander through the City of Ephesus as it was back then.  You start at the nobility homes and monuments.  You then enter the rest of the City and can see the public toilets, library and brothel.  Just down the street from the library is the 24,000 seat ampitheatre – this was built 3400 years ago and had capacity for 24,000 and the acoustics were amazing.  They have restored 25% of the city and we were able to 15% of it.  It was a great tour.   Then back into Kusadasi where we saw carpets being made and sold (the obligatory carpet demonstration) – the carpets were amazing but expensive.  We then wandered through the Grand Bazaar, bought a couple of souvenirs and back to the boat.  Lazy afternoon by the pool, dinner at the King and I with a group from Canada, lost some money in the casino and then to the Centrum lounge to listen to the ship band and chat with Norry and Eleanor from Scotland.  Bed at midnight. 

Ephesus Library

Ephesus Ampitheatre

Kusadasi Grand Bazaar

June 26, 2013 – We awoke in Mykonos at 9:30 am – did I mention I gotta get me one of these ships?  We decided to stay on the ship today and rest as we have had a busy first 6 weeks and we will be back to Greece.  Relaxed by the nearly deserted pool all day, had dinner at the Windjammer Café, watched the sunset and went to bed.  Tomorrow we will be in Kataklon, Greece and we are taking a tour to Olympia (the birthplace of the Olympics) and a wine tour.  Until then …

June 27, 2013 – We went to see ancient Olympia where the Olympics began in 776 BC.  We saw the Temple of Zeus, the Temple of Hera (where they light the flame for each Olympics – but it is interesting to note that this tradition started in 1936 not 776 BC) and the Olympic stadium.  In 776 BC, the Olympics were held every 4 years and open to only Greek men (although male spectators came from other countries).  After the Olympics were over, the place was deserted until the next Olympics – there was no town or city in Olympia at the time.  We then went on a wine tour to Mercouri Winery – we saw how they produced the wine, olive oil and raisons and then had a wine tasting with some snacks at some table set up in a beautiful location overlooking the water.  Great Tour and Day.  Came back and had a nap and then off to dinner at the King and I with Fiona, Phil, Rachel and Charlene.   Went to a magic/comedy show which was fantastic, and an aerial show which was great.  Watched a little karaoke – not so good and off to bed.  Our last day on the ship is tomorrow and is a day at sea.  Going to sleep in …

Temple of Zeus - Olympia

Bob on the Starting Blocks - Olympia

Jan at Mercouri Winery
Mercouri Winery with new friend Fiona Greenwood

June 28, 2013 – We slept in until 10 am.  Lounged around on the pool deck in the shade most of the day. Had dinner with Fiona, Charlene, Bob and another couple and their granddaughter from England.  Won some money in the casino and had a drink in the Schooner Bar.  It was sad to part ways with Fiona who we became close to over the week.  Back to Venice tomorrow …

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