Tuesday 11 August 2015

Cape Breton and Lunenberg, NS - August 9-11, 2015

On Sunday, we had a very lazy day and stayed at the B&B for most of the day.  We had a great breakfast (Dave made waffles).  At around noon, we drove to the local farmers market (about 10 vendors) and bought some peas, mittens and a growler of hefeweizen beer. We then went to Ross Ferry park for a hot dog and fries (a local fundraiser for the community) and back to the B&B.  I had a nap while Jan read.  We went for dinner at Fitzgeralds on the highway (22 km away) - it is the closest restaurant.  When we came back, we congregated in the common room with Terri and Dave and Ni and Fraser and chatted until about 11 pm - we also drank the beer.  

On Monday, we got up and had another great breakfast and then we were off to Lunenberg on the South Shore of Nova Scotia.  We stopped in Baddeck to visit the Alexander Graham Bell museum.  He was an amazing man.  Not only did he invent the telephone, but created a visual language for the deaf,  was working on flight and airplanes at the same time as the Wright brothers, created hydrofoils and many other things. He predicted and was working on sending pictures by telephone in the 1880's (does fax sound familiar).  We went on a behind the scenes tour.  And then off to Lunenberg - we took the scenic route following the coastline after Halifax and stopped in Peggy's Cove.  The South Shore of Nova Scotia is what we were expecting.  We arrived at Ashlea House B& B about 7 pm.  this place is amazing - it is a house built in the 1886 and has 7 bedrooms and 3 common rooms and 14 foot ceilings.  Wow ... and it is located a short walk to downtown.  After settling in, we walked downtown and ate at the Salt Shaker - had delicious scallop linguini ... and then back to the B&B for bed.

On Tuesday, we had breakfast with 4 other couples at the B&B - the breakfast consisted of quiche, french toast, beans, bacon, stewed apricots, potatoes, yogurt and fruit.  Delicious and plentiful!  Small world - the couple across from us were from St. Albert and after talking we find out their son, Ted, grew up with our nephews and they know my brother.  We spent the day wandering around downtown in the various shops.  We stopped at the Savvy Sailor for lunch and had sweet chili mussels and a scallop po boy along with beer and wine.  We then went on a walking tour with Sheilah - we started at the Academy and then we wound our way through town stopping along the way and going into the Lutheran Church and the Anglican Church.  It was a great tour.  The most interesting fact - the colourful houses everywhere (kinda the signature of the town) only started 8 years ago when a developer came into town and bought several properties and painted them these crazy colours like lime green, orange and cranberry red. The town was in an uproar, but the mayor calmed everybody down and told them that there were no rules about colour (there are many rules about construction here to maintain the historical feel and designations) and that the developer was pouring a lot of money into the town.  They were then ok with the colours and it has become their signature - most other buildings in the downtown are now many different colours.  Prior to 8 years ago, all white with black trim.  Lunenberg was founded originally by the French but then they left and the British brought in Germans to settle the town.  There are seven founding families (in the 1780's) and those families still run the town to this day.  In fact, people who move here are called CFA's - Come From Aways.  Stopped for ice cream, had a look at some real estate brochures and headed back to the B&B for some reading and rest.  We went to go to a play called Glimpses, a musical about the town, but it was full when we arrived.  We went for dinner at The Knot Pub and had deep fried pepperoni, fish and chips and a sausage burger.  Another great day!

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