Saturday 1 August 2015

Eastern PEI - August 1, 2015

We started the day with coffee at Beanz and then had breakfast at Yolk - isn't that the greatest name for a breakfast place?  We did a little shopping in downtown Charlottetown and then off for a drive along the Points East Coastal Drive.  Our first stop was Point Prim Lighthouse - we had a tour of the lighthouse and got to climb to the top - 60 feet above ground.  This lighthouse originally sat on 9 acres of land, but with erosion now sits on 4 acres.  It is the only lighthouse on PEI made of stone and  the light shine 17 miles and is now all automated.  it was a very interesting tour.  Our next stop was the Wood Islands Lighthouse which is situated at the ferry terminal to Nova Scotia.

We stopped at the Rossignal Winery and had some samples and purchased some wine.  We then stopped at the Cape Bear Lighthouse which was not well maintained and drove to the Murray Head Point.  Our next stop was Panmure Island - lots and lots of people on the beach here and, of course, there was a lighthouse.

We drove through Montague on our way to Cardigan - we were looking for a Lobster Supper there.  The Cardigan Lobster Supper is in an old general store and we were able to sit on the deck overlooking the river.  We had seafood chowder, fresh rolls, salad, mussels, fresh PEI potatoes and corn and, of course, lobster.  Outstanding.

We drove to East Point - on the eastern tip of PEI - to the lighthouse and saw two foxes playing.  It took us about 1.25 hours to get back to Charlottetown arriving home at about 9 pm.  Long day but a great day!  We are going to explore Central PEI tomorrow before heading back to Moncton for a few days tomorrow night ...

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