Friday 31 July 2015

Tracadie to Shediac to Charlottetown to Summerside to North Cape - July 30-31, 2015

We packed up and left Tracadie in the morning arriving in Shediac around 1 pm to meet up with Barb and JP.  We met at the giant lobster and took some pictures.  We stopped for lunch at La Coast - it was delicious - I had seafood chowder, there were a couple of orders of fish and chips, some scallops and lobster poutine.  We then took off for PEI over the Confederation Bridge - 12.9 km long.  We arrived on the other side in about 12 minutes and stopped for ice cream.  Then off to Charlottetown about 45 minutes away.  We arrived at the Best Western to drop off Barb, JP, Robyn and Scott and had quite a chuckle - it looked pretty rough and Barb said "it sure isn't the Hilton".  Apparently it was worse than pretty rough, but they toughed it out.  Us, on the other hand, had a great little one bedroom suite above Brits Fish and Chips in the downtown area - in fact we had to check in at the restaurant ... always looking for something a little different.  The Noel crew went for a drive to Walmart while we went for a walk in the downtown area - we came across some great little restaurants.  Scott texted and said he made reservations at The Gahan House - it was one of the restaurants we walked by and is the only brewery (in the basement) in PEI.  We walked over and got to try some great beers and food - mussels, PEI potatoes, halibut tacos and bacon wrapped scallops - and all reasonably priced.  Oh yeah, Kate and Delores had quesadillas.  Yup.  We went to our suite for a good night's sleep while the Noels went back to ...

Apparently the Noels made it through the night.  Jan and I had coffee at Beanz in the morning (and I had carrot cake).  We all then travelled to Summerside to look around and started on the North Cape Coastal Drive which follows the west coast up to the North tip of PEI.  We took it part of the way and then the Noels left for Moncton - they fly out tomorrow.  We took the coastal route a little further and then hopped onto the highway as the day was getting away on us.  We took highway 2 up to Tignish and stopped for a bite to eat at Shirley's Cafe ... and then off to North Cape a the northern tip of PEI.  On the way back we stopped in Tyne Valley because they are having their annual Oyster Festival - we lined up for an oyster dinner only to find out we had missed it and that we were lining up for the Oyster Grading and Shucking Championships - we decided to pass and got back on the road.  We took Highway 2 back to Charlottetown (as opposed to Highway 1) and it was actually faster, more scenic and had way less traffic.  We arrive back about 9 pm and stopped at Water Prince Corner Shop - famous for lobster.  I had a lobster roll and fries (fresh PEI potatoes), Jan had a seafood chowder, Kate had a salad and Delores had a baked potato.  Yup.  Must say that the lobster roll was not as good as Barbs.

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