Monday 27 July 2015

Tracadie-Sheila, NB - July 25-26, 2015

We started the day with a drive out to Therese's (JP's sister) house in Saumarez, NB (just outside of Tracadie) to pick up some food and party decorations.  We then went to the hall in Saumarez to set up for the big party.  It is JP's 60th birthday party, but it is kinda a surprise for him - he thinks we are all out here for  some visiting and to celebrate some family anniversaries.  We set up the hall (a former schoolhouse) for 80 people and then stopped for some booze and for lunch in Tracadie at Pizza Delight.  Had a little nap and then off to the surprise birthday party.  Everybody brings their own booze and goes out to the vehicle for their drinks.  Once again, one week's purchase of booze lasted the night.  Robyn and  Therese both arranged for a birthday cake for JP and both were guitars and Robyn made a poster. Robyn, Scott and Andrew gave a Top 60 list speech of things they love about JP - there were a few tears shed.  We met many more relatives and friends and they made us all feel like family.  They had music and dancing.  Got home about 1 am and went for a nightcap at Barb and JP's - in bed by 1:30 am.

On Sunday, we slept in and then headed out to Michael's (Emelien's son) house on the river.  Both Emelien and Michael have their fishing boats there and 32 of us hopped on them for the day on the river.  We went into Tracadie for lunch at the Up 'n Down Pub (called that because the main street - Rue Principal - was known for cruising up and down with the muscle cars in JP's youth).  We had fish and chips (delicious), poutine with sausage (delicious), deep fried scallops (delicious) and deep fried clams (not my thing).  The ride back was a bit cool.

We arrive back to the cabins about 8 pm and then the party started again.  A bunch of family came to the cabins and JP and Michel broke out the guitars and Margo was the lead singer.  What a great night!

The highlight of the trip so far is the people!  They are genuine, friendly and happy.  They would give the shirt off their back to a stranger.  They have made us feel like we are part of the family.   

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