Friday 24 July 2015

Tracadie-Sheila, New Brunswick - July 23 - 24, 2015

We are off to the Maritimes for 3.5 weeks.  We have never been before and are so excited.

Our flight left at 7 am on Thursday.  Jan and I were joined by Delores, Robyn and Scott and Barb and JP (Scott's parents).  JP is originally from Tracadie and still has a lot of family here - we are going to have a big party on Saturday night.  We met Kate at the Moncton airport as she arrived from Ottawa after visiting Amberly for a few days.  We arrived about 4 pm and went to Dixie Lee for dinner - a staple in the Noel household - JP said his mom would have Dixie Lee every week.   Fried chicken and scallops. Delicious.  New Brunswick is the only Province in Canada that is officially bilingual.

After leaving Moncton, we drove about 2.5 hours north to Tracadie to Deux Rivieres Resort where we checked into our great little cabins on the water.  We went to Superstore for groceries.  We visited until about midnight with a few beers and laughed a lot.  It was a rainy day in New Brunswick.

On Friday, we slept in until about 9 am.  We had breakfast in our cabin and then off to the Mall (spelled Mail on the building - not sure why).  We spent about 30 seconds there - just kidding, but it wasn't very long.  Robyn, Scott, Kate and Andrew went to Miramichi for some "shopping".  JP, Barb, Jan, Delores and I stopped at the liquor store and stocked up for the week and then went for a drive.  JP showed us many of the places he frequented while growing up around Four Roads, NB.  We stopped at the beach where he has some land and at Emelien (JP's brother) and Giselle's house.  We met Guy and Nicole there as well - we had a beer and then off on another little drive to Inkerman and stopped at the church where Barb and JP got married and the cemetery beside the church.

Then back to Emelien and Giselle's for a dinner of salt beef and vegetables. So delicious.  We met JP's brothers Robert (Margo), Albenie (Therese), Edgar (Aurelie), his sister, Therese, sister in law, Bella and many cousins and others.  We had a great visit with everyone - they made us feel so welcome! ... and no beer left ... oh well ... one week's supply of beer gone in one night.  Robyn and Kate had to drive home ... oh well.

Can't wait for tomorrow ...

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