Thursday 16 July 2015

Reston, Manitoba - July 2-8, 2015

After having arrived home in the afternoon on July 1, we (Jan, my Mother-in-Law Delores and myself) left with our trailer at 6 am on July 2 (my birthday) for the 12 hour drive to Keith and Lynn Boulton's farm (about 10 km outside of Reston, Manitoba - a town of about 500).  The drive was uneventful and we arrived to chili for dinner.  

Kate and Greg arrived later that first night as well and Robyn and Scott arrived the next day with with a Taj Mahal motorhome (borrowed from his parents).

It was great catching up with everybody (Keith, Lynn, Todd, Stacey, Avery, Brooke, Tyson, Shaundell, Brian, Taylor, Braden, Kayleigh, Ryan, Gerri, Dale, Tara, Abby, Casey, Brenda and Marg) and unplugging for a week.  We ate, drank, slept, visited and played cards.  Even went and checked the crops once - they looked fine from what I could tell.  

Back on the road home for 12 hours on July 8.  We will be home for a couple of weeks and then off to the Maritimes for 3.5 weeks ...

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