Tuesday 28 July 2015

Bathurst, Beresford and Tide Head, NB - July 28, 2015

On Tuesday, we started the day with lobster omelets.

We then spent the day driving up to Bathurst and Beresford in Northern New Brunswick to see where Scott grew up until about 10 years old.  JP, Barb, Scott and Andrew lived in Bathurst and Beresford and we saw the houses they lived in.  We stopped in to see Therese (Barb's friend) at the Mall.  We then carried on to Tide Head just outside of Campbellton to visit with Guy and Nicole.  They have a beautiful trailer on the shores of the Restigouche River - we visited, drank and ate (get the common theme running through these blogs yet?)  Guy and Nicole made fresh salmon and cod, fresh potatoes and fiddleheads.  I have never had fiddleheads before and they were delicious!!!  And we topped it off with the most delicious carrot cake.  Guy and Nicole are fabulous.

Real estate in this area of New Brunswick is crazy cheap.  You can get a cabin on 5 acres on the water for $40-50,000.

Forgot to mention something Therese (JP's sister) mentioned to Jan and I at the bonfire last night.  She said that the door has now been opened and that we are welcome anytime.  To me, that is New Brunswick!

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