Tuesday 28 July 2015

Tracadie-Sheila, NB - July 27, 2015

On Monday, we had a touring day today with JP as our guide.  We drove north through Six Roads (obviously different from Four Roads), Pokemouche, Caraquet, Evangeline (JP's mom was born here), Inkerman, Lameque, Shippagan, and Miscou Island which is on the north eastern tip of NB.  We had our first seafood feast at Steve's Terrace on Miscou Island - lobster, scallops, oysters, mussels, lobster sushi ... on the way back we stopped at Dixie Lee for a snack of chicken, fries and poutine.  We stopped at Robert and Margaret's for a little visit and then back to the cabins.  in the evening, we went to the beach at Four Roads for a bonfire and visited, laughed, drank and ate.  Giselle brought lobster sandwiches and bar clams - they obviously thought I was looking a little thin as every time I turned around, I had another plate of bar clams.  Delicious!

Off to Campbelltown in the north west part of NB tomorrow to visit with Guy and Nicole ...

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