Tuesday 11 June 2013

Baden-Baden, Germany June 10, 2013

We left Gimmelwald about 9:30 am on the cable and after a series of trains, ended up in Baden-Baden in the Black Forest about 2:30 pm.  After arriving at our 2 bedroom apartment with 2 bathrooms, a living room and kitchen (for 64 Euros per night), we ventured out in the rain to look around.  The apartment is about 1 km from the centre of town all downhill (except for when we came home - ouch).  We wandered around and found a great restaurant called Weinstube im Baldreit - one of our best meals in Europe.  I had Wiener Schnitzel (Check) and Jan had a kartoffel (potato), cheese, bacon, cream concoction which was excellent.  We had Kirschtorte (Black Forest Cake - Check) and coffee for dessert.  Walked/hiked/climbed back to our apartment.

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