Monday 10 June 2013

Gimmelwald June 9, 2013

A little cloudy and a little rainy - perfect day in paradise for us to do a little forward planning.  We were thinking of spending a few extra days here, but the weather seems to be socked in for the next few days so we decided to move on.  After looking at some options in Switzerland, we ended up deciding to to move on to Germany - Baden Baden.  We looked at train schedules and booked accommodation in Baden Baden - then booked a night at a castle in Bacharach on the Rhine.  We are hoping to spend another night there - we will look at it when we get there.  Then probably off to Rothenberg, Munich and Salzburg before we hop on our cruise out of Venice on June 22.  We had some lunch on the deck of our B&B - bread, cheese (from the self-service cheese place), sausage, wine, beer ...  I had a nap, Jan chatted with Diane (California) - a great day of relaxation!  We ended the evening with a couple of hours of conversation with Texas, North Carolina, Virginia, Colorado and California (as Josh from Colorado noted - it is just easier if we remember people by where they are from).  It is very interesting that this is obviously Rick Steves (the travel writer) country as everybody except Diane was there because he had recommended it.

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