Sunday 9 June 2013

Gimmelwald, Switzerland June 8, 2013

Woke up and had breakfast at our B&B.  Sat with Tom and Denise from Austin, Texas and Bob, Cathy, Amanda and Kaitlyn from Sarasota, Florida.  Had a great breakfast with everybody and then walked around Gimmelwald which took us about 15 minutes (very small).  We then ventured up to the town of Murren which is about a one hour hike straight uphill (or so it seemed) along the side of the mountain.  The views were spectacular.  We walked around town and ended up at the swimming pool for about an hour.  We then had lunch.  Bratwurst and Beer.  Check.  Check.  We bought a few groceries and then walked back down to Gimmelwald - about 35 minutes down - but stopped quite a few times for Jan to pet and feed the cows, goats and miniature horses.  We spent the rest of the afternoon on the deck of the B&B chatting with Tom and Denise.  Had pizza and a couple of beers at the Mountain Hostel with the Florida folks and off to bed ...
On the Trail to Murren looking back at Gimmelwald

Paragliding in the Alps

Jan in her Glory

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