Wednesday 20 January 2016

La Penita - January 14 - 20, 2016

We started Thursday by visiting the Tiangus Market in La Penita - had some tres leche cake (again), some donuts and another cake.

We then had a foodie day!  We arranged for a taxi van to take us about an hour south of La Penita to La Cruz (our old stomping grounds) to visit our favourite restaurants.  We started at Glorietas with bacon wrapped cheese stuffed shrimp and coconut shrimp.  We then had a coffee at Octopus Garden. We then wandered down to La Ballena Blanca for a giant margarita and the world's best carrot cake.  We then had a nap in the park before heading to Tacos on the Street for rib eye steak tacos (the only thing on the menu.  Next stop, Masala for tuna steak.  We were full ...


Mega Margarita at La Ballena Blanca

La Ballena Blanca

La Ballena Blanca

So much food ...

Tacos on the Street

Tuna Steak at Masala

Mega Margarita

On Friday, we had a lazy day.  pool, margaritas, tacos, fajitas, ribs, cervesas - you get the picture!

On Saturday, Kate and Greg left in the morning to head home.  The rest of our day was a lazy one around our place with dinner at Xaltemba.

The Bread Lady selling bread out of the back of her truck

On Sunday, we went to look at a few more condos and then walked to Guayabitos.  We stopped at Amigos Vargas for a beer, chips, salsa and guacamole.  Beer was 150 pesos (about $1.20).   We then walked to the end of the beach at Guayabitos and had some lunch and the best banana daiquiris.  We then decided to go to Los Ayala - another little town just past Guayabitos.  We hiked over the mountain (more like a hill and along the highway).  A cute little town in a cove with a great swimming beach - but today we saw a lot of blue bottles - jelly fish.  We took a taxi back, rested for awhile and had dinner at Gigio's - pasta and pizza - delicious.



On the road to Los Ayala


Kissing Beach in Los Ayala

Los Ayala

Los Ayala

Los Ayala

Los Ayala

On Monday, we relaxed by the pool and had dinner at Avanti.  This was Robyn and Scott's last day.

On Tuesday, Robyn and Scott left at 8 am and we tagged along with Tom and Bonnie (our neighbours at La Casita) and their friends Jim and Ruth to Lo de Marcos.  We took the Collectivo (a local van/bus) which cost us 25 pesos each - about $2.  We wandered around the sleepy town and beach, had lunch at a small place on the beach and returned in the afternoon.  We had a siesta and then went for dinner at Irma's - chile relleno with shrimp - best chile relleno yet!  We started chatting with the couple next to us who happened to be from Red Deer.  We found out they own a condo in the complex we are looking at.  We mentioned we are going to take a trip to Chacala before we go and they insisted that they take us there as they have a car.  We are going on Friday.

Lo de Marcos

Lo de Marcos

On Wednesday, we went to the beach where I swam in the ocean for about 45 minutes before being stung by a jelly fish.  After some lime (the Mexican equivalent of the Greek's olive oil - it fixes everything), vinegar and soaking my arm in hot water, it seems to be doing ok.  We had lunch with Ann and Neil at Hinde's and dinner at El Gigio (pizza).

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