Saturday 9 January 2016

La Penita - January 5-8, 2016

We started out on Tuesday with Jeanie Mintzmeier picking us up at 9 am to have a look at some real estate.  There are some great bargains down here and we thought we should have a look.  First, we went to look at a place in the hills near Lo de Marcos - a great little place with a great view of the valley (US$149,000) - not for us though as we would prefer something closer to the beach.  Secondly we went to a condo across from the beach - a great cozy one bedroom with a great pool and outdoor areas - this would suit us just fine and most of the owners are Canadian (US$80,000).  Lastly we went to look at a 4 story place one house away from the beach (US$139,000) - it was empty on the main floor (potential for a couple of bedrooms), the kitchen was on the second floor with a great outdoor deck, the bedroom was on the 3rd floor with a great view of the ocean and the 4th floor was an outdoor deck with a 360 degree view of the town and ocean - it even had a resident crocodile/alligator (I can never tell the difference) across the street.  We had tacos for lunch at Hinde's and then headed back to our place for the afternoon by the pool.  We had dinner at Avenida Restaurant - not our favourite.  In bed early again.

Rooftop View from House 2

Pool area of condo

Across the Street from House 2
On Wednesday, we went to the beach and I swam for about 1/2 hour in the ocean.  We relaxed on the beach for awhile and then had lunch at our place.  We relaxed by the pool for the afternoon and then headed down to Las Brisas for a drink and to meet with Jeanie to get some more details about the condo.  We had fajitas there for dinner and had a great view of the sunset.

Sunset from Las Brisas

On the Malecon

Dinner for our neighbours - they are chefs and they were cooking this up for dinner on Wednesday
On Thursday, we were up early (as we are every day) and went to the Tiangus (market) - everything from clothing, to vegetables, to baking, to souvenirs to kitchen sinks (yup really).  Had a little more street meat (as Robyn calls it), tres leches (three milk) cake - my favourite dessert in Mexico and some fresh donuts.  We bought some bread, empanadas, donuts and Jan got a great wool poncho.  We came back from the Tiangus and went for a swim in the ocean and relaxed by the pool the rest of the day.  We bought some ice cream from the ice cream truck - coconut ice cream in an actual half shell of a coconut, pineapple in a half pineapple and corn ice cream (yup) wrapped in corn husks.  The corn ice cream definitely tastes like corn and was delicious.  We went for dinner at Avanti with Margie, Winnie and Bill (Jan's cousins who are here for a few months).  Dinner was delicious - leg of lamb, shrimp and pesto pasta, huge shrimp sautéed in garlic butter and a shrimp pesto pizza.  We walked home along the deserted streets - so peaceful.

This puzzle was a collective effort Casita de la Penita

Street meat at the Tiangus

Tres Leches Cake 

Dinner with Winnie, Margie and Bill

On Friday, we went to Hinde's for Heuvos Rancheros (eggs with salsa, refried beans, toast).  We then came back and went for a swim in the ocean and relaxed around the pool for the afternoon.  We went back to Hinde's for dinner - Fridays are Chile Rellenos night - my favourite Mexican meal - a large pepper stuffed with cheese and deep fried with a hot sauce poured over top.  I know sounds delicious right?  It is also karaoke night which was quite entertaining.  We ran into Mike and Colleen who we met here last year.  It was a late night - we left there about 9:30 pm and were in bed about 10 minutes later.

Hasta Mañana, (until tomorrow)

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