Saturday 9 January 2016

La Penita - January 9, 2016

We started Saturday doing a little cleaning and getting ready for Kate and Greg to join us in La Penita ... but fog in Seattle required their plane to circle Seattle and then eventually head to Portland to refuel - they missed their flight to Puerto Vallarta so are spending the night in Seattle and then flying to PV tomorrow.  Oh well.  The bread lady stopped by and we bought jalapeño cheese bread, empanadas, donuts, macaroons and a blackberry pie - all out of the back of her pickup truck!  We decided to wander around town this afternoon and see many of the nooks and crannies of the town.  We didn't wander long before coming across La Casa del Camaron (the House of Shrimp) on a side street.  We had a few shrimp tacos and were on our way.  We nest came across the recommended Petra's Deli.  Petra is from Munich, Germany and serves authentic German food - we had a bratwurst and weiner schnitzel - both delicious.  We wandered up and down most of the side streets on the south side of the town - it was siesta time so we came across many families sitting our front of their places with kids playing in the streets - authentic Mexico!  We stopped at Chasite for a great latte and then headed back to our place and relaxed by the pool where we had some pineapple and coconut ice cream - actually packaged in a half pineapple and coconut.  We stayed in for dinner - pasta and some fresh jalapeño cheese bread.  Quiet night.

Near our place

Saddles inside the Bull Ring Complex - it is now used for rodeos

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