Tuesday 26 January 2016

La Penita - January 21-25, 2016

On Thursday, we went to the market and came away with a painting (see below).  I went for a massage for $35 for an hour (see massage room below - obviously not paying for the surroundings).  we relaxed in the afternoon and then went to El Gigio for pizza.  Early night - I was in bed by 7:45 - yikes!

Tiangus Market
Our new painting by Bauti
Massage room
On Friday, Gail and Roger (we met them at dinner a couple of nights ago) picked us up at 11 am for a trip to Chacala.  Our neighbor Anne gave Gail the gears about returning us safely and leaving us in a ditch somewhere.  We drove about 1/2 hour to get there and then had lunch at Las Brisas.  Great lunch and then we went for a walk to the far end of the beach and back.  We went for a swim, watched the sunset and headed home.  Great great day!  We had dinner at Irma's - chile relleno and burritos.  As an aside, Gail ends up being the former Mayor of Red Deer for 12 years - Anne's fears were unfounded.





Jorge's Dog - (he is an old friend from Playa Escondida - he was the bartender on Batchelor in Paradise - Jorge not the dog)


Gail, Roger and Jan



On Saturday, we bought some bread from the bread lady (from the back of her pickup truck) and then spent the rest of the day around the pool.  Nice and relaxing.  A butterfly decided to land on Anne's face and spent about a minute there resting.  We had dinner with Anne and Neil at El Arabe - I had a tuna steak (delicious) and Jan had shrimp cooked in red wine (not so delicious).

On Sunday, we left at 7:30 am for a tour to San Blas - about 2 hours north of La Penita.  Gilberto was our tour guide and we were traveling with Anne and Neil, Bonnie and Tom and Jim and Ruth.   We travelled through fields of bananas, mangos, pineapples, jack fruit, guava, watermelons, jicama and many more that I have probably forgotten already.  We stopped at Platanitos to stretch our legs.  We stopped at La Tovara National Park and hopped on a small boat for an hour long ride up the river.  We saw numerous birds, crocodiles and turtles.  At the end of the river, there is an animal sanctuary where they have rescued birds, crocodiles, jaguars, raccoons and a few other animals - many taken from drug lords who had them illegally.  We then had lunch on the beach in San Blas.  We were supposed to see the fort in San Blas but it was under construction.  We stopped for some banana bread on the road side (a specialty for this area).  We were home around 4 pm and had a siesta.


On the river

Iguana sticking head out of the tree

Termite nest

Turtles everywhere

Crocodiles everywhere

Baby jaguar

San Blas beach
 On Monday, we just relaxed around the Casita.  Great Sunset!

Sunset at La Penita

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