Friday 31 July 2015

Tracadie to Shediac to Charlottetown to Summerside to North Cape - July 30-31, 2015

We packed up and left Tracadie in the morning arriving in Shediac around 1 pm to meet up with Barb and JP.  We met at the giant lobster and took some pictures.  We stopped for lunch at La Coast - it was delicious - I had seafood chowder, there were a couple of orders of fish and chips, some scallops and lobster poutine.  We then took off for PEI over the Confederation Bridge - 12.9 km long.  We arrived on the other side in about 12 minutes and stopped for ice cream.  Then off to Charlottetown about 45 minutes away.  We arrived at the Best Western to drop off Barb, JP, Robyn and Scott and had quite a chuckle - it looked pretty rough and Barb said "it sure isn't the Hilton".  Apparently it was worse than pretty rough, but they toughed it out.  Us, on the other hand, had a great little one bedroom suite above Brits Fish and Chips in the downtown area - in fact we had to check in at the restaurant ... always looking for something a little different.  The Noel crew went for a drive to Walmart while we went for a walk in the downtown area - we came across some great little restaurants.  Scott texted and said he made reservations at The Gahan House - it was one of the restaurants we walked by and is the only brewery (in the basement) in PEI.  We walked over and got to try some great beers and food - mussels, PEI potatoes, halibut tacos and bacon wrapped scallops - and all reasonably priced.  Oh yeah, Kate and Delores had quesadillas.  Yup.  We went to our suite for a good night's sleep while the Noels went back to ...

Apparently the Noels made it through the night.  Jan and I had coffee at Beanz in the morning (and I had carrot cake).  We all then travelled to Summerside to look around and started on the North Cape Coastal Drive which follows the west coast up to the North tip of PEI.  We took it part of the way and then the Noels left for Moncton - they fly out tomorrow.  We took the coastal route a little further and then hopped onto the highway as the day was getting away on us.  We took highway 2 up to Tignish and stopped for a bite to eat at Shirley's Cafe ... and then off to North Cape a the northern tip of PEI.  On the way back we stopped in Tyne Valley because they are having their annual Oyster Festival - we lined up for an oyster dinner only to find out we had missed it and that we were lining up for the Oyster Grading and Shucking Championships - we decided to pass and got back on the road.  We took Highway 2 back to Charlottetown (as opposed to Highway 1) and it was actually faster, more scenic and had way less traffic.  We arrive back about 9 pm and stopped at Water Prince Corner Shop - famous for lobster.  I had a lobster roll and fries (fresh PEI potatoes), Jan had a seafood chowder, Kate had a salad and Delores had a baked potato.  Yup.  Must say that the lobster roll was not as good as Barbs.

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Tracadie-Sheila, NB - July 29, 2015

Quiet day in Tracadie on Wednesday.  We just relaxed at the cabin most of the day.  We drove into Tracadie for some ice cream and a coffee.  That's it.  Pre-supper snack of lobster and bar clams - JP got canned lobster from his brother - they put 1.5 lobsters in a small jar with salt brine.  The jar lasted about 10 seconds.  This is what lobster is supposed to taste like!  Supper consisted of scallops and lobster rolls at the cabin made by Scott and Barb.  JP, Barb and Andrew left for Moncton about 6:30 pm as Andrew has an early morning flight.  We will meet up with them tomorrow again in Shediac, NB for lunch.  Quiet evening at the cabin.  What a great end to our stay in Tracadie ... we are off to PEI tomorrow.

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Bathurst, Beresford and Tide Head, NB - July 28, 2015

On Tuesday, we started the day with lobster omelets.

We then spent the day driving up to Bathurst and Beresford in Northern New Brunswick to see where Scott grew up until about 10 years old.  JP, Barb, Scott and Andrew lived in Bathurst and Beresford and we saw the houses they lived in.  We stopped in to see Therese (Barb's friend) at the Mall.  We then carried on to Tide Head just outside of Campbellton to visit with Guy and Nicole.  They have a beautiful trailer on the shores of the Restigouche River - we visited, drank and ate (get the common theme running through these blogs yet?)  Guy and Nicole made fresh salmon and cod, fresh potatoes and fiddleheads.  I have never had fiddleheads before and they were delicious!!!  And we topped it off with the most delicious carrot cake.  Guy and Nicole are fabulous.

Real estate in this area of New Brunswick is crazy cheap.  You can get a cabin on 5 acres on the water for $40-50,000.

Forgot to mention something Therese (JP's sister) mentioned to Jan and I at the bonfire last night.  She said that the door has now been opened and that we are welcome anytime.  To me, that is New Brunswick!

Tracadie-Sheila, NB - July 27, 2015

On Monday, we had a touring day today with JP as our guide.  We drove north through Six Roads (obviously different from Four Roads), Pokemouche, Caraquet, Evangeline (JP's mom was born here), Inkerman, Lameque, Shippagan, and Miscou Island which is on the north eastern tip of NB.  We had our first seafood feast at Steve's Terrace on Miscou Island - lobster, scallops, oysters, mussels, lobster sushi ... on the way back we stopped at Dixie Lee for a snack of chicken, fries and poutine.  We stopped at Robert and Margaret's for a little visit and then back to the cabins.  in the evening, we went to the beach at Four Roads for a bonfire and visited, laughed, drank and ate.  Giselle brought lobster sandwiches and bar clams - they obviously thought I was looking a little thin as every time I turned around, I had another plate of bar clams.  Delicious!

Off to Campbelltown in the north west part of NB tomorrow to visit with Guy and Nicole ...

Monday 27 July 2015

Tracadie-Sheila, NB - July 25-26, 2015

We started the day with a drive out to Therese's (JP's sister) house in Saumarez, NB (just outside of Tracadie) to pick up some food and party decorations.  We then went to the hall in Saumarez to set up for the big party.  It is JP's 60th birthday party, but it is kinda a surprise for him - he thinks we are all out here for  some visiting and to celebrate some family anniversaries.  We set up the hall (a former schoolhouse) for 80 people and then stopped for some booze and for lunch in Tracadie at Pizza Delight.  Had a little nap and then off to the surprise birthday party.  Everybody brings their own booze and goes out to the vehicle for their drinks.  Once again, one week's purchase of booze lasted the night.  Robyn and  Therese both arranged for a birthday cake for JP and both were guitars and Robyn made a poster. Robyn, Scott and Andrew gave a Top 60 list speech of things they love about JP - there were a few tears shed.  We met many more relatives and friends and they made us all feel like family.  They had music and dancing.  Got home about 1 am and went for a nightcap at Barb and JP's - in bed by 1:30 am.

On Sunday, we slept in and then headed out to Michael's (Emelien's son) house on the river.  Both Emelien and Michael have their fishing boats there and 32 of us hopped on them for the day on the river.  We went into Tracadie for lunch at the Up 'n Down Pub (called that because the main street - Rue Principal - was known for cruising up and down with the muscle cars in JP's youth).  We had fish and chips (delicious), poutine with sausage (delicious), deep fried scallops (delicious) and deep fried clams (not my thing).  The ride back was a bit cool.

We arrive back to the cabins about 8 pm and then the party started again.  A bunch of family came to the cabins and JP and Michel broke out the guitars and Margo was the lead singer.  What a great night!

The highlight of the trip so far is the people!  They are genuine, friendly and happy.  They would give the shirt off their back to a stranger.  They have made us feel like we are part of the family.   

Friday 24 July 2015

Tracadie-Sheila, New Brunswick - July 23 - 24, 2015

We are off to the Maritimes for 3.5 weeks.  We have never been before and are so excited.

Our flight left at 7 am on Thursday.  Jan and I were joined by Delores, Robyn and Scott and Barb and JP (Scott's parents).  JP is originally from Tracadie and still has a lot of family here - we are going to have a big party on Saturday night.  We met Kate at the Moncton airport as she arrived from Ottawa after visiting Amberly for a few days.  We arrived about 4 pm and went to Dixie Lee for dinner - a staple in the Noel household - JP said his mom would have Dixie Lee every week.   Fried chicken and scallops. Delicious.  New Brunswick is the only Province in Canada that is officially bilingual.

After leaving Moncton, we drove about 2.5 hours north to Tracadie to Deux Rivieres Resort where we checked into our great little cabins on the water.  We went to Superstore for groceries.  We visited until about midnight with a few beers and laughed a lot.  It was a rainy day in New Brunswick.

On Friday, we slept in until about 9 am.  We had breakfast in our cabin and then off to the Mall (spelled Mail on the building - not sure why).  We spent about 30 seconds there - just kidding, but it wasn't very long.  Robyn, Scott, Kate and Andrew went to Miramichi for some "shopping".  JP, Barb, Jan, Delores and I stopped at the liquor store and stocked up for the week and then went for a drive.  JP showed us many of the places he frequented while growing up around Four Roads, NB.  We stopped at the beach where he has some land and at Emelien (JP's brother) and Giselle's house.  We met Guy and Nicole there as well - we had a beer and then off on another little drive to Inkerman and stopped at the church where Barb and JP got married and the cemetery beside the church.

Then back to Emelien and Giselle's for a dinner of salt beef and vegetables. So delicious.  We met JP's brothers Robert (Margo), Albenie (Therese), Edgar (Aurelie), his sister, Therese, sister in law, Bella and many cousins and others.  We had a great visit with everyone - they made us feel so welcome! ... and no beer left ... oh well ... one week's supply of beer gone in one night.  Robyn and Kate had to drive home ... oh well.

Can't wait for tomorrow ...

Thursday 16 July 2015

Reston, Manitoba - July 2-8, 2015

After having arrived home in the afternoon on July 1, we (Jan, my Mother-in-Law Delores and myself) left with our trailer at 6 am on July 2 (my birthday) for the 12 hour drive to Keith and Lynn Boulton's farm (about 10 km outside of Reston, Manitoba - a town of about 500).  The drive was uneventful and we arrived to chili for dinner.  

Kate and Greg arrived later that first night as well and Robyn and Scott arrived the next day with with a Taj Mahal motorhome (borrowed from his parents).

It was great catching up with everybody (Keith, Lynn, Todd, Stacey, Avery, Brooke, Tyson, Shaundell, Brian, Taylor, Braden, Kayleigh, Ryan, Gerri, Dale, Tara, Abby, Casey, Brenda and Marg) and unplugging for a week.  We ate, drank, slept, visited and played cards.  Even went and checked the crops once - they looked fine from what I could tell.  

Back on the road home for 12 hours on July 8.  We will be home for a couple of weeks and then off to the Maritimes for 3.5 weeks ...

Grand Rapids, Michigan - June 28-30, 2015

We had a great dinner last night at Grand Rapids Brewing Company ... tried a few different beers and had fish and chips.  Great visiting with Russ, Susan, Cathy, Matt and Linda.  Jan went to a Mexican Restaurant.

We enjoyed our second day of the Mastermind and got some great ideas for the store.  We ran into Dan Holman (our inventory planner) in the lobby and had a drink with Dan, Lynn, Lisa (Lynn's store manager) and Genevieve (Robyn met her at a Promotions Seminar last fall).  Trudy and Julie (the Retail Success Summit self described mascots) were also in the lounge.  Miranda, Kate and Shawna showed up late in the afternoon and we went for dinner at the Sports Pub in the hotel.

The Retail Success Summit started on Monday morning and we had a full day of learning.  We went for dinner at San Chez. We stretched Shawna out of her comfort zone a little with tapas and the San Chez version of a Bellini ... the stretching would continue, but that is tomorrow's story.

The last day of the Summit was another full day ... and then off to The BOB - a restaurant/bar (what a great name!) - its actually stands for Big Old Building. Trudy organizes this after Summit event each year.  It is great to visit with other retailers.  We visited with Sharleen and Brendan from Elevate and Crystal, Pauline and Julie from Crystal Media, Deb from Mastermind and Bob, Susan, Sam and Joe Negen.  Then, believe it or not, off to Karoake at Sharleen and Brendan's urging.  Robyn, Kate, Miranda and shy Shawna got up and sang Shania Twain.

Early flight in the morning on July 1 and back home in the afternoon.